Happy as a pig in ... farmer builds mudslide for his porkers

A pig uses a slide to get into the mud pool at a farm in Bathmen on August 6, 2013. Farmer Erik Stegink bought the depreciated slide from a neighbouring pool to offer his pigs some fun. AFP / Vincent Jannink Source: AFP
A pig uses a slide to get into the mud pool at a farm in Bathmen on August 6, 2013. Farmer Erik Stegink bought the depreciated slide from a neighboring pool to offer his pigs some fun. AFP / Vincent Jannink Source: AFP
A FARMER in The Netherlands has installed a mud slide for his pigs after being inspired by the flumes at a water park.
Erik Stegink mounted a disused slide he had bought from a nearby pool on his farmland.
And in no time at all his pigs were enjoying their own amusement park, but instead of water they were diving into mud.

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