Devil eel of the deep ate my face

A SCUBA diver told last night how he was tossed around “like a rag doll” by a crazed conger eel 25 metres below the surface of the Atlantic.

The 6ft-long marine beast attacked Jimmy Griffin and savaged a lump out of his face.
The Galway man was on a dive outing with friends off the Connemara coast when the vicious ocean monster ripped a chunk from his cheek. Jimmy, 48, who works in the family bakery business, told the Irish Sun: “Towards the end of the dive, this thing hit me.
“It was like getting a massive punch in the face.
“It came from behind me and just latched on, then it started wriggling.
“I was in its jaws and my head was sore for about two weeks after it.
“It grabbed me and began shaking my head. I was like a rag doll in its jaws.”
Jimmy, a skilled deep sea diver with more than 20 years’ experience, added: “It knocked out my regulator so I couldn’t breathe. I had to hold my breath and fight it off. I felt incredible pain and numbness — I knew that I had been bitten and saw the eel swim off.”
At first he didn’t realise how badly the flesh-eating predator had gouged him.
Jimmy explained: “I thought it had just got a tiny piece of my lip but my whole face was numb from the impact and from the biting and the twisting."

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